Featured Properties
5.7 Acres for Potential Development
18th Street, Hondo, TX 78861
Listing Agent:
J. Gruber Properties
Located within the City limits of Hondo, the 5.733 ±acres is 41 miles west of San Antonio and 29 miles south of Bandera and is in one of the fastest growth areas of Medina County. Improvements on the property include a large 3,000 sq-ft metal barn with 1,800 sq-ft covered parking, electricity, septic and water. Hondo not only boasts the South Texas Regional Airport that operates 4 runways, but also the Medina Regional Hospital which operates 25 beds, a surgical unit, and three rural health clinics. This is an excellent investment property with its easy access to San Antonio and the surrounding areas, high visibility, and over 490 feet of frontage on 18thStreet. Property Facts Price: $1,748,106 Parcel Number: 4134 Land Size: 5.733 ±acres Improvements: 3,000 sq-ft metal barn. Road Frontage: 490 feet on 18th Street Property Use Description: Potential Development
57 acres in hondo
TBD Ave U & 22nd Street, Hondo, TX 78861
Listing Agent:
Wayne Springer, Texas Land Consultants
57 +/- Acres all or part, in the city limits of Hondo, Texas zoned PD. The property is Zones "PD" Planned Development Districts Currently in the Hondo UDC Chapter 5.5.1 Purpose is defined as; This district is intended to accommodate unified design of residential, commercial, office, professional services, retail, and institutional uses, and facilities or combinations thereof, in accordance with an approved development plan. This district designed to permit flexibility and encourage a more creative, efficient and aesthetically desirable design and placement of buildings, open spaces, circulation patterns and parking facilities in order to best utilize special site features of topography, size or shape. Located within the opportunity zone Electric substation within 500 feet with main transmission lines crossing the front of the property on the east. Sewer and water are on two sides: o 12" water line on east side, along with a 6" line. o 6" water line on north side o 8" sewer line north side o 18" main sewer line crosses the property Three phase electric is on two sides. ATT cell tower within 100 feet on north side of property Within two miles from Hondo Municipal Airport. Less than two miles from Railroad yard. US Hwy 90 is less than 1,000 feet 45 minutes from downtown San Antonio
141 acres right on Hwy 90
4732 U.S. Highway 90 E., Hondo, TX 78861
Listing Agent:
Wayne Springer, Texas Land Consultants
Approximately 141 acres of improved land with approximately 2,265 feet of US Hwy 90 frontage. Property lies in between the Cities of Hondo and Castroville. Both Cities are seeing exponential growth in business/ population. Property lies in the unincorporated area so the property can be used for Commercial and/ or Residential development.
51 acres right on Hwy 90
9X22+8HX. (Google Plus Code), Highway 90, Hondo, Texas 78861, United States
Listing Agent:
Wayne Springer, Texas Land Consultants
If you’re looking for a commercial property for your business in Medina County along US Hwy 90, this may be it! The property has electricity and water running in the front along Hwy 90 and the railroad along the rear of the property. The property has some flood plain and is heavily wooded.

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